
Homepage of Klynton Fowler

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"Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes"
-- E W Dijkstra

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PC World Jokes

OK I've noticed a few people coming here as of late due to a high search engine ranking for 'left handed joysticks'. So for all you people who like me are pissed off as there are no decent ambidextrous or just left handed joysticks out there go to the below link. Of course you will want to navigate to the appropriate country section if you are not resident in the UK.


Saitek are a company that make very very high quality ambidextrous joysticks, and I have been using them fine for many years now. I started off trying out the Saitek Cybord 3D stick. This was about 7-8 years ago, and it was the best joystick I had ever used ( maybe due to the fact that it was the only stick I had ever used that was not generic ambi with two buttons). As a massive space sim fan I spent ages searching for one as detailed below in the jokes section. But now finally I use the Saitek: Rumble Force. Best joystick I have used to date with all the trimming you would expect, including throttle and twisting action for 4 axis.

If you find this helpful please let me know.


My friends and I have often played tricks on Computer Firms like Dixons, PC-World, Curries. But my absolute favourite prank is something to do in a place like PC-World.

My Favourite

In Some computer stores they have someone employed to say hello and goodbye on the door (Go in the shop with a friend). The people on the door most often don't know anything about computers. Ask one of them (in a Newcastle accent):

'Excuse me, but could you tell me where the enable and disable controls are for the autorun feature on my computer.'

At this the person on the door will (if you got the accent right) ask you to repeat you request up to 3 times before he understands the question. He/She will then look confused and take you to someone else in the shop. Repeat the question again 2-3 times (in your Newcastle accent), He will then either give you an answer that more often than not is wrong, or he will take you to another person in the shop. After this has happened and you still don't know the answer, get your friend (who has been browsing the shop but not looking like he was with you) to come over to you and tell you the answer in front of all of the staff that you have accumulated. They will all go red, especially if the friend you took in is only young 14-16 years. Then separately walk out of the shop.

The answer to the question is:

'Open device manager in the system option in control panel then select your CD-ROM drive, select properties and the feature is called Auto-Insert-Notification.'

(N.B By Klynton: One of my friends 'Matthew Collinson' (who knows virtually nothing about computers) did this recently, and when he had finished they offered him a job!!!)


I was really angry with PC-World, when I last went into their shop in Stockport. As when I looked they had no left handed joysticks. 80% of the joysticks that they had were solely for right handed people. The only joysticks they had for left handed people were the two button types, trigger and hat button. They only had two of these as well. I was furious with them, so started to loudly complain with my friend (who is left handed, I am ambidextrous, although I use my left hand for controlling joysticks). Even after doing this seven or eight times PC-World in Stockport still do not stock left handed joysticks.

The above is not so much a trick rather a query, does you local PC-World stock left handed joysticks? Are you also left handed or right handed and want to join me in sending PC-World complaints? If so send me an email on the below link.

Klynton now has a joystick (No laughing now)

Well finally after months of asking PC-World have finally has a joystick that could use in stock. Don't mistake me though, it was a 'Multi-Handed' joystick. They still don't stock solely left-handed ones.

Funny part is that when I asked for assistance (asking how to convert it from right handed to left handed) I got this reply from the employee:

'Don't know mate'

I then asked if anyone in the shop could help me, he again replied:

'Don't know mate'

Obviously just been moved up from the hello/goodbye job. If you have a trick that you want to have added to this page then send me an email. Although an absolute 'corker' will be added once it has been carried out.

Don't want to give it away do I?..... Click here to submit a trick